Nicolas specialises in the regulatory aspects of supervision of financial markets and securities law. He also assists corporate clients and financial institutions on domestic and international financing transactions.

Nicolas is also active at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel as a researcher in Financial Law.

Prior to joining Loyens & Loeff in 2022, Nicolas has worked in the Banking & Finance department of another Brussels law firm.

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Brussels Bar, 2019
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Advanced Master Corporate Law, KU Leuven, 2022
Master Law, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), 2018
Summer School in Capital Markets Law, Universidade Católica Portuguesa Lisboa (Portugal), 2018
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E. VAN POUCKE (ed.), Kredieten voor consumenten, 1e editie, Bruxelles, Intersentia, 2021.
R. FELTKAMP and N.MICHIELS., Lening op interest of kredietopening? | Revue de Droit commercial
R. FELTKAMP and N. MICHIELS, “Actualité : Hof van Cassatie, 18/06/2020, C.19.0140.N”, RDC-TBH 2021, nr. 1, 97.
J.P. BUYLE and N. MICHIELS, De gelieerde kredietovereenkomst: op weg naar een rigoureuze toepassing van de wettelijke voorwaarden?, BFR 2020, nr. 3, 172-177.
N. MICHIELS,Primeur: het Gerecht bevestigt de intrekking van een bankvergunning wegens schending van de witwaswetgeving | Revue de Droit commercial

Nicolas Michiels

Associate - Attorney at Law


Person image

Nicolas Michiels, attorney at law, is a member of the Banking & Finance practice group in our Brussels office. He focuses on financing transactions and regulatory matters.

Nicolas specialises in the regulatory aspects of supervision of financial markets and securities law. He also assists corporate clients and financial institutions on domestic and international financing transactions.

Nicolas is also active at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel as a researcher in Financial Law.

Prior to joining Loyens & Loeff in 2022, Nicolas has worked in the Banking & Finance department of another Brussels law firm.